Wedged Tailed Eagle Covert

A generic image

The upperwing coverts fall into two groups: those on the inner wing, which overlay the secondary flight feathers, known as the secondary coverts, and those on the outerwing, which overlay the primary flight feathers, the primary coverts. Within each group, the feathers form a number of rows. The feathers of the outermost, largest, row are termed greater (primary-/secondary-) coverts; those in the next row are the median (primary-/secondary-) coverts, and any remaining rows are termed lesser (primary-/secondary-) coverts.

The underwing has corresponding sets of coverts (the names upperwing coverts and underwing coverts are used to distinguish the corresponding sets). In addition, the front edge of the wing is covered with a group of feathers called the marginal coverts. Within each group of wing coverts, the rows of feathers overlap each other like roof tiles (the greater coverts are overlain by the median coverts, which in turn are overlain by the outermost row of lesser coverts, and so on).

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Just for your own knowledge !! Look what wind farms are doing !! We must protect our wildlife !!

A US wind energy company was ordered to pay $8m in fines after pleading guilty to killing at least 150 bald and golden eagles at its wind farms.

A wind farm with so-called “industry-leading” bird avoidance technology has killed at least eight endangered Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagles, prompting calls for an urgent moratorium on new turbines in eagle zones.
Our feathers are only MOULTS (MOLTS) from Registered Raptor Sanctuaries, strictly controlled, we DO NOT harm any birds for our rare and stunning feathers, we are Government Licenced with Permits Supplied with all Orders... we are a very small business, so stocks are very low on these rare species.

(image for) A-WTEC-053 Wedged Tailed Eagle Covert Feather
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(image for) WTEC-087 Wedged Tailed Eagle Covert Feather
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(image for) WTEC-088 Wedged Tailed Eagle ALULA Covert Feather
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(image for) WTECA-089 Wedged Tailed Eagle ALULA Covert Feather
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(image for) WTECA-090 Wedged Tailed Eagle ALULA Covert Feather
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(image for) WTE-UW-001 Wedged Tailed Eagle Underwing Feathers
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(image for) WTE-UW-002 Wedged Tailed Eagle Underwing Feather
Sale: $40.00Save: 20% off

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